We Encourage You!
The Miracle League could not exist without the many volunteers who help before, during and after each season. Middle school and high school students are encouraged to become buddies. There are also many volunteer opportunities for adults. If you are interested in any of the opportunities listed below, contact us at ohiomiracleleague@gmail.com.
You’re involved now! As a Buddy you are paired up with one of our players and assist that player hit the ball, run the bases, and field as necessary. Many of our player/buddies form lasting friendships! (Note: non-sibling buddies must be 11 years old or older.)
Click here for more information about being a buddy!
Ever wanted to hear your voice boom out to hundreds of others? You’ll announce each player as they step to the plate and let the crowd know when they score a run – it’s super fun! Usually announces two or three 2-inning games in a row, and usually works every other Saturday.
Field Duty Coordinator
Every 2 or 3 Saturdays work a 4-hour shift at the field by setting up, troubleshooting, answering questions, passing out information, and/or teardown. Several volunteers are needed because, as you know, the more people the fewer number of shifts each person has during the season.
Assistant Coach
Help the Head Coach with line-ups, dugout control and assist your team with pitching and catching during innings. This is a 10-week baseball season, and each team plays at a different time every Saturday.
Buddy Leader
Enjoy pairing up players and Buddies before each game. Most players have a pre-assigned Buddy, but there are always instances where either a player or a Buddy doesn’t show. The Buddy Leader stays in the dugout to help the Buddies during the game and can also help when his/her team is on the field.
Facilities Assistant
Support our Facilities Coordinator in making sure that all the necessary supplies are at the field and that all equipment and utilities (scoreboard, mister, etc.) are operational.
Operations Committee
Throughout the season and during the off-season this committee coordinates all of the league’s activities. There is a Coordinator for each of these functions on the committee: Registration & Rosters, Facilities, Coaches, Volunteer Recruitment, Buddies, Sponsorships, Announcers, Finances, Special Events, and Website. We are always looking for volunteers to “shadow” and assist the current coordinators. If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact us at ohiomiracleleague@gmail.com.
Volunteer Opportunities for Groups
Many companies, teams, churches, fraternities, sororities and other organizations look for opportunities to volunteer as a group.
Groups can serve refreshments at our Special Events like Grandparents Day and Trophy Day. If your group is interested in volunteering as refreshment hosts, click here.
Groups (or individuals) can also serve as “Game-Day Buddies” who help on the field in various ways during games. If you are interested in signing up as Game-Day buddies, click here.

Want to get involved?
Become a volunteer or sponsor today!
Or Donate today!